Importance of Gut Health
Your gut is often referred to as your body’s "second brain" and for good reason! First off, your gut is responsible for breaking down our food into nutrients for our bodies. Second, your gut contains bacteria and immune cells like NK cells that fight off infectious and harmful bacteria and viruses. Lastly, your gut communicates with your brain and has an important function in maintaining your overall mental health as well. Problems with your gut microbiome have also been shown to lead to different diseases of the gut including auto-immune diseases and cancer.
Why is NK-CLK effective?
After years of extensive research at one of the nation’s leading biomedical research universities, we have specially selected bacterial strains that would survive harsh environmental conditions like temperature and acidity to ensure the maximum benefit to your gut. These strains were also specifically combined to help grow and activate the NK cells in your body. Additionally, the 7 strains add to the diversity of your gut flora and help to decrease inflammation within your body restoring your immune system.
NK-CLK is granted U.S. Patent No: 11,617,771
AJ2 Formulation
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7 Specifically Selected and Studied Probiotic Bacteria Strains.
- Streptococcus thermophilus
- Bifidobacterium longum
- Bifidobacterium breve
- Bifidobacterium infantis
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- Lactobacillus casei

What people are saying
Betty Miller, 90
“I live in an area where, unfortunately, there are several fires raging and people are having to evacuate their home. My heart aches for these people. I often wonder what I would choose to grab if I had to suddenly evacuate. My answer would be photos and my NK-CLK capsules.
I have been taking NK-CLK capsules for 5 years and I feel that they have helped me in so many ways. Healthwise, I only take one prescription drug and physically, I feel fabulous. My facial skin looks and feels smoother than five years ago. My energy level is high. I exercise four days of the week and walk one to three miles three of those days. I enjoy golfing, biking and I fully manage several properties.
I have a really wonderful, healthy and happy life and I feel NK-CLK is greatly responsible for this. Oh and by the way, I am 90 years old. Thank you NK-CLK.” -
Tracy Ryan
"My daughter, Sophie, was diagnosed with a low-grade brain tumor called an Optic Pathway Glioma at the age of 8 1/2 months old and began chemotherapy two weeks after her 1st birthday. She suffered from extreme diarrhea almost the entire time she was on treatment, which for these types of tumors can be years.
5 years into treatment, Sophie contracted C-diff. This is a horrible gut infection that made her very sick and caused her to have 3-5 seizures a day. C-diff is very hard to get rid of and after a round of toxic antibiotics, she had yet to clear the illness.
We immediately started Sophie on NK-CLK and we were blown away at how fast it worked! Not only did it clear the C-diff permanently, but it also has solved all of her gut issues after 6 long years on chemotherapy.
We also believe that NK-CLK has been an incredible adjunct to her Western medicine protocol as her tumor is now stable and she’s been off treatment for an entire year.
The gut is the brain of the immune system. To know that Soph’s gut health is the best it’s been since she was a baby, it gives us hope she will never need treatment again!" -
Christina Henry
"I cannot recommend the NK-CLK probiotic highly enough, as it has provided me several positive effects, allowing me to lead a normal life again. I suffered from several debilitating symptoms from Multiple Myeloma for over 12 years, which were extremely challenging and painful.
After taking NK-CLK for a month, I noticed significant positive improvements in my symptoms, quality of life and overall wellness due to my increased immune function.
My lab work greatly improved – my NK cancer fighting cells increased from 11% to 32%, my lymphocytes increased from 10 to 24%, my monocytes reduced from 30% back to normal levels, and my IFN-g secretion improved substantially. I used to get what Multiple Myeloma patients call a “mystery illness,” where I had awful flu like symptoms which had me restricted to bed for approximately ten days at a time, a few times a year. Since I began taking NK-CLK over a year ago, these symptoms have been eradicated."